Vectorization: How It Feeds Your Need for Speed
You've written a program, but it's data-intensive and you need more speed without forking out for a new computer? Maybe you've tried alternative algorithms, maxed out concurrency but still need more speed. Could be it's time to try vectorization. Find out what you need to know before you begin. Then tell us what you think in the comments section on our story page.
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You've written a program, but it's data-intensive and you need more speed without forking out for a new computer? Maybe you've tried alternative algorithms, maxed out concurrency but still need more speed. Could be it's time to try vectorization. Find out what you need to know before you begin. Then tell us what you think in the comments section on our story page.
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Free Trial: Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015
Deliver top application performance and reliability with Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015. These C ++ and Fortran tool suites simplify the development, debugging, and tuning of code. Try it out for free.
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Deliver top application performance and reliability with Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015. These C ++ and Fortran tool suites simplify the development, debugging, and tuning of code. Try it out for free.
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